All = Energy and change is the natural law of life

It is my mission to make energy visible, sensible and tangible in people and art

The art of Els Botman

To make energy visible and tangible

The underlying theme for my work as a visual artist is that everything is energy. Some of the images on this site are variations of the artworks belonging to my project ‘Compositions of the Universe’ in which I want to visualize the different frequencies of energy going beyond the comprehension of the conscious mind. In my ‘Sun Project’ that was created in 2014, I visualize the language of light.

My teachers

I am particularly grateful to a number of people in my life. The trainings I have attended and am attending currently have taught me a lot. Thanks to the wisdom, knowledge, power, motivation and enthusiasm of these teachers, people around the world can apply techniques to cure themselves.

Inspiring Books

To be in touch with your heart is to be in touch with the heart of the Universe and the heart of the Divine Creator

A few people inspire me through their books and music to explore and live life to the max each day a little more.

‘ Personal power through Awareness’ Sanaya Roman
‘Anam Cara: Spiritual Wisdom From the Celtic World’ John O’Donohue
‘A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose’ Eckhart Tolle
‘Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer’ Gregg Braden
‘Beyond Willpower: from stress to success in 40 days’ Alex Loyd
‘The Energies of Love’ Donna Eden and David Feinstein
Light Emerging’ Barbara Ann Brennan
‘Autobiography of a yogi’ P. Yogananda
‘Seeker of Visions’ Lame Deer